How many calories do you burn walking 10 miles? Here we will explain and calculate how many calories you burn walking ten miles based on your weight and type of walk.
Two of the most common walking types are normal walk and brisk walk. Normal walk is your walking speed when walking around your home or walking the dog, while brisk walk means you are walking faster than a normal walk, but not quite running.
Furthermore, although everyone is different, we made the following formulas to calculate how many calories you burn by walking 10 miles:
Normal walk:
Weight × 0.55 × 10 ≈ Burned Calories
Brisk walk:
Weight × 0.63 × 10 ≈ Burned Calories
For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, then we estimate that you would burn this many calories by walking 10 miles:
Normal walk:
120 × 0.55 × 10 ≈ 660 Calories
Brisk walk:
120 × 0.63 × 10 ≈ 756 Calories
For your convenience, we have created the calculator below. Please enter your weight in pounds to see how many calories you burn by walking 10 miles.
Calories Burned Walking Calculator
Enter a distance in the tool below to calculate how many calories you would burn while walking that distance.
How many calories do you burn walking 10.01 miles?
Here is information about another walking distance for which we have calculated the calories burned.
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